Thursday, May 21, 2015

Subversion in Action


Edward Snowden was a joke Vladimir Putin used to embarrass the United States yet again. In January, 2014, I had the opportunity to make the acquaintance of a retired "spook" (his word). I asked him, "Did Edward Snowden reveal anything we did not already know?" because frankly, I was not surprised by any of his "leaks". My new-found friend scoffed and said, "No. He did not say anything that was not at least ten years old." He continued, "We in the intelligence community laugh when we see 'breaking news'. We think, 'Really? You JUST found out about that?"
Exactly what I thought. What I did not realize at the time was the real damage that was being caused by these "revelations". For example, when Angela Merkel "discovered" that America had been spying on Germany and hit the ceiling, the result was that our intelligence services pulled back their surveillance due to political pressure. The same thing occurred throughout Europe. Here in America, run-of-the-mill Americans discovered that spies spy, and were outraged, demanding that these infringements on their Fourth Amendment right to privacy be stopped. The problem is, there is no "right to privacy" in the Fourth Amendment:
We are protected from "unreasonable searches and seizures". Surveillance is not a "search":
Now, I understand that citizens who were unaware of how intelligence-gathering is done are shocked when they find out. At least, I understand to a degree. In 2015, cameras are everywhere, the Internet is easily monitored through the airwaves, cell phone signals can be intercepted by virtually anyone with the right equipment and technical knowledge, etc., so for an American to think his life is private seems to me to be a bit ludicrous. The only place a person really has an expectation of privacy these days is in a restroom or in his own home. The days when a signed release was required before a picture of someone could be used are long gone; everyone has a cell phone camera and we can be certain we were caught in the background of someone's "selfie".
The first clue that people are on the wrong track on this issue should have been Diane Feinstein's feigned outrage over not only the NSA but when she "discovered" CIA had been "spying" on Congress. Please. She is on the Intelligence Committee. If she does not know how the clandestine world operates, what does she do all day?
The problem with all of this is we are once again the victims of subversion. What is the result of all of the ballyhoo over spying? Distrust, and the reigning in of our intelligence community (translation: hog-tying of our intelligence community). Does anyone remember all of the recriminations after 9/11 about who should have known, why didn't they know, who did not do his or her job, who should be shot at dawn for failing to protect America? Have we forgotten? We cannot have it both ways.
Now, before someone throws Benjamin Franklin in my face let us remember that, despite what Barack Obama has to say, we are at war. War time is different than peace time; the rules are different. First and foremost in all of our minds should be defending our country, not screaming at the NSA because they might know how many times we called Pizza Hut last year. In the grand scheme of things, who cares? Even the NSA does not care how many times we called Pizza Hut! If the information they gather has nothing to do with national security, it is ignored. I know that because I spent years in security, and did things that would probably shock a lot of my readers. On the surface, it would appear I was violating everyone's privacy and probably being some sort of voyeur in the process, when in fact I could not possibly have cared less about most of what I saw and heard (much of it was boring; some was downright disgusting). I was only interested in protecting my employers. I paid no attention to anything else, and 99% of the people in our intelligence community treat information the same way.
Nowhere are the results of subversion more apparent than within the homeless community. If my readers recall from Yuri Bezmenov, there are four stages of subversion: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, Normalization. When we removed God from our schools back in the 1960's, that was the beginning of the demoralization process. Soon, God was being removed from other areas of our lives under the guise of “separation of church and state” (a fictional principle; this phrase does not appear in the Constitution. It is a quote from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote referring to a “wall of separation between church and state”). Lawsuits began popping up by various atheist groups demanding that nativity displays be removed from government property, prayer be removed from public settings, etc. After a few years political correctness began to appear, and with it came the Useful Idiots who are constantly concerned that we not “offend” anyone. As a result, lawsuits demanding that crosses be removed from various places across the country began forcing people into compliance with the new PC world. (This is just one of many examples.)
Once God is removed from a society, there are no more moral absolutes. As television began reflecting this new God-lessness, we saw major changes in family units and individual behavior. As we became more self-centered, the divorce rate skyrocketed and children became out-of-control. Then came the drugs. Instead of parents teaching their children how to sit still and behave, doctors “diagnosed” the children with ADHD and gave them pills. As the “sexual revolution” took hold, teen pregnancy became the norm and rather than teach personal responsibility we taught “safe sex” and gave easy access to abortions.
Do my readers recognize the progression from the lectures on subversion I posted? As we speak, the consequences are walking the streets of Washington, D.C. Madness is the order-of-the-day in the Capitol of the Free World. Yes, there are those people who were released from mental institutions. Plenty of others are felons who cannot find work and/or a place to live, or who have resumed their lawless lifestyles and have no desire for work or living accommodations. But, many are anesthetized. A new drug hit the streets a few years ago called “K-2”. On the streets, it is referred to as “Scooby” or “Scooby-Doo”. (Thanks to the KGB, that cartoon has been ruined for me.) The drug is actually household potpourri to which someone has added chemicals. It is then smoked, and the results are devastating. Otherwise sane people become mad almost instantly. They no longer know who they are, who anyone else is; they have imaginary fights with imaginary people, and they ramble on at length about real or imagined happenings in front of perfect strangers.
This is quintessential subversion. Keep the masses drugged up so they cannot think and have little or no impulse control. The result is lawlessness. Anarchy. Can anyone say, “Ferguson”? The situation here in the District has plummeted since Baltimore. Many in the black population visibly have an attitude. Men can be seen stomping the streets just looking for a fight. My more perceptive readers are aware that I am a homeless veteran. Shortly after people in Baltimore were given “room to destroy”, a black man threatened to rape me for no other reason than the fact that I am white and I was there. Godlessness. Hopelessness. Drugs. Lawlessness. Anarchy. The KGB is winning.
Some people think I am crazy for harping on the KGB the way that I am, but I am trying to wake up America before it is too late, and it is close to being too late.


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